Interactive & Innovative STEM

Curricula Tools Resources Kits Programs Policies

for African Learners

Globally Competitive STEM education for All!

What Makes Sciency So Great?

STEM Kits Development

Sciency Works on Developing Relevant Tools & Kits for educators and learners in the field of STEM, that are inclusive.

Digital Learning Platform

The Sciency Learning Platform is an online resource where students and educators can access interactive lessons, educational videos.

School Partnerships and Services

Sciency collaborates with schools to offer customised timetabled/afterschool STEM programs, helping learners prepare for the future of work

Training and Worskshops

Sciency provides training programs for teachers, enabling them to effectively use STEM kits in classrooms and integrate them into their curriculum. 

Community-Driven initiative
Innovative Solutions
Government Endorsed
Empowering Educators

Why Sciency?

Data-driven impact at an affordable fee

At Sciency, we are committed to delivering impactful educational solutions that leverage data-driven insights while remaining affordable for all communities. By focusing on accessibility and effectiveness, we empower learners to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

A Growing Ecosystem of Hands-On STEM Learning

Using technology to stimulate applied STEM interest amongst primary and high-school learners.

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Learners reached

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Kits produced

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What People Say About Us!

Globally Competitive STEM for all!

Supported by Global Organisations

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